JAPAN: R4 cards banned

The infamous R4 card, a device that allows DS owners to play pirated games and homebrew applications, has been successfully banned from sale in Japan.


reports that the Tokyo District Court has granted an injunction against the manufacturers of the R4 that makes it illegal for it to be sold at retail. In response, Nintendo, Square Enix and Capcom have backed the decision, labelling the R4 as a violation” of Japanese law.

Many retailers had reportedly already removed the device from shelves for fear of prosecution, but this new legal ruling should see it vanishing from the High Street altogether.

In addition, 54 companies are now pursuing manufacturers of similar devices with a view to outlawing them, too.

The move is likely to create both hope and anger amongst UK retailers, who will be looking for similar moves in this country but at the same time see the Japanese decision as vindication of their belief that not enough is being done to curb R4 sales in Europe.

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