MW2 Resurgence hits XBL today

In what should prove another profitable day for publisher Activision, this afternoon will see the arrival of the second piece of DLC for genre-leading shooter Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on Xbox Live.

The download will, much like its predecessor, cost 1200 MSP (around 10.20) though it is yet to be seen whether it will offer the same return as the Stimulus Package did. It will remain an Xbox Live exclusive for a limited time – probably around six or seven weeks.

What Activision won’t be hoping to repeat, though, are the technical problems that plagued the first DLC’s arrival on both Microsoft’s and Sony’s service. Not that it was too much of a headache, mind you – Stimulus went on to break records.

Dubbed Resurgence, today’s download includes three new maps and two re-worked versions of maps already seen in the first Modern Warfare. The new levels are Trailer Park (a ‘super condensed’ maze-style map), Carnival (an abandoned amusement park) and Fuel (large, sniper-friendly and set in an oil refinery).

The two levels set for a return are Vacant and Strike.

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