Intel Developer Blog: A step-by-step guide to better performance

How to optimise the speed of your Unity games

For the most impressive speed, you need to spend some time optimising your game performance. In a four-part tutorial on the Game Dev section of Intel Developer Zone, Cristiano Ferreira and Steve Hughes reveal how to squeeze the best performance from Unity on Intel x86 processors.

The tutorial starts with an introduction to the Unity Profiler, the free Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers (Intel GPA) and the GPA Frame Analyzer.

Topics covered in part 2 include scripting optimisations, smart memory management, caching frequent objects, and best practices for the Unity Physics system.

Part 3 looks at occlusion culling, level of detail, shadows, single camera view, render queue ordering and light mapping.

The concluding part covers texture compression, mobile stock shaders, static and dynamic batching, selecting the optimal render path, and more.

If you’re a Unity developer, there are also some archived resources you might find helpful in the Unity Resource Centre for x86 support.

For more tools, tips and tutorials to support your game development across multiple platforms, visit the Intel Developer Zone.

This blog post is sponsored by the Intel Developer Zone, which helps you to develop, market and sell software and apps for prominent platforms and emerging technologies powered by Intel Architecture.

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