EA responds to Lasky criticism

Publisher EA has responded to the recent attack from former exec Mitch Lasky in which the Jamdat Mobile founder slammed now-boss John Riccitiello for his current business strategy.

Mitch needs to try de-caf,” EA’s US head of communications Jeff Brown told VentureBeat.

It’s never easy being turned down for a job, but most people don’t spend three years obsessing about it. Since Mitch left EA, Apple invented the iPhone, Facebook evolved to include a gaming platform and EA Mobile became the world leader.”

Brown refers to the fact that Lasky left EA a year after the publisher acquired Jamdat Mobile from him. After a brief spell as executive VP of mobile and onlineat EA, and if EA’s statement is to be believed a failed job application, Lasky left the publisher.

He is now a partner at venture capitalists Benchmark Capital.

It’s amazing that the board continues to support the existing management team through this debacle,” Lasky stated, amongst other things, on his blog last week.

Since John Riccitiello took over, the company has destroyed over $11 billion in market value.”

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