Rockstar calms Grand Theft Auto V PC delay concerns

A change to the release date for Grand Theft Auto V on its Steam does not mean it has been delayed, Rockstar has said.

The Steam release date changed more than once over Christmas, VG247 reports, and having previously said ‘coming soon’ and ‘January’ now simply states ‘early 2015′. Pre-orders aren’t open yet, either.

Fan who took to Rockstar’s website to enquire have been reassured that the January 27th release date announced back in September still stands, however.

GTAV will be coming to PC on January 27th,” the company said. We have not announced any changes to this date at this time.”

Not that the statement has completely satisfied fans, however. Some have questioned the possible ambiguity of at this time” (although there’s no ambiguity to GTAV will be coming to PC on January 27th”) while others point out that the game’s official PC specs, which were due out before Christmas, have yet to be released.

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