Spore coming to Mac

With the hype for Apple’s Mac brand currently sky-high following yesterday’s Macworld Expo and the unveiling of the undoubtedly gorgeous

Macbook Air

, EA has announced that its highly anticipated Spore will release on Apple’s format alongside PC later this year.

Spore, which is currently being developed by Sims mastermind Will Wright, has been called a ‘universe simulator’, and promises to be one of the most ambitious pieces of digital entertainment ever seen.

EA’s commitment to Mac has been steadily increasing in recent times, with a company called TransGaming porting the likes of Battlefield 2142, Command & Conquer 3 and Need for Speed: Carbon to Apple’s machines.

"With Spore in particular, we think the Macintosh user is somebody who is, typically, a creative individual," Maxis marketing VP Patrick Buechner told News.com.

"Part of the appeal of the Mac is that it allows you to do creative things very easily. And we think that lines up very closely with what you can do with Spore, and we think those audiences are very similar. So it just feels like a natural place for Spore to be, and we’re thinking about it up front rather than as an afterthought. We want to give it the full attention."

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