GDC 2014: Social network now allows developers to customise wording of game requests

375 million people playing Facebook-connected games every month

An average of 375 million people are playing Facebook-connected games every month, the social networking giant has claimed.

The Facebook website and mobile apps is also sending an average of 735 million referrals to games each day.

The social network firm also peformaed a study which suggested engagement of cross-platform players was 2.4 times that of mobile-only players. Facebook desktop engagement for cross-platform players was said to be 1.5 times that of desktop-only players, with those cross-platform users also generating 3.3 times more revenue.

The firm has also announced improved game requests through Facebook, allowing developers to customise these to offer more specific information on what friends are asking for.

For example, instead of saying "Anita send you a request", the text could be changed to "Anita asked you for a life".

More information is available through official documentation here.

Facebook is currently attending GDC and can be found at booth 1838.

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