20 game firms across both countries to fund communal training and testing

Dev alliance formed across France and Belgium

A collection of some twenty game-related companies across northern France and Belgium have formed a co-operative alliance.

Game IN’s membership includes game studio Ankama, accessory firm Bigben Interactive, and game dev training group Supinfogames.

It is said the entire membership yields over €250 million in combined annual revenues.

The non-profit group aims to establish a communal gameplay tester office for all members, as well as set up training courses, investment events and other information-sharing get-togethers

“We are centred in one of the most active regions in France for games, especially in terms of revenues and new business opportunities,” said Game IN president Benoit Clerc.

“Our potential of growth needs to be encouraged, showcased, and confirmed through a non-profit structure gathering games professionals in the Euro region. We want to be ambitious to build up for our industry’s future.”

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