Event to focus on how studios can benefit from NESTA's new scheme

GameHorizon Raises the Game tomorrow

Codeworks GameHorizon is holding an event in Newcastle tomorrow, which aims to inform studios how to benefit from NESTA’s new ‘Raise the Game’ scheme.

The event will take the form of four talks, followed by networking and drinks. In attendance will be Revolution’s Charles Cecil, who will discuss how Raise the Game affects things from a games industry perspective, and how it will help address the skills shortage facing the industry, while NESTA’s Jackie McKenzie will elaborate upon the various parts of the Raise the Game initiative and detail how studios can get involved.

Paul Durrant of Dare to be Digital will helm the event’s third session, discussing the Dare to Grow initiative and how it will help team up small and medium-sized studios with art and technology graduates. Finally, Frank Boyd will detail Crossover Labs, a set of ‘innoation labs’ that aims to set up new creative and commercial collaborations.

The gathering takes place at Central Square, Newcastle, from 17:30 onwards. Attendance is free, and those wishing to take part should e-mail nina.cliff@codeworks.net.

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