Senior project manager Tom Johnson on landing a job at the Star Citizen developer

Recruiter Hot Seat: Cloud Imperium Games


Company: Foundry 42 / Cloud Imperium Games
Country: UK, Germany and US
Hiring: Multiple roles across all departments
Where to apply:

What differentiates your studio from other developers?

The team at Cloud Imperium Games are working on the world-record breaking project, Star Citizen, that is taking a uniquely modular approach in releasing game content that enables our fans to be a part of the development process.

We’re 100 per cent crowdfunded which gives us the ability to push the boundaries of video game development to places that no one has ever dared to go before. With the support of our incredible fans we are able to create a game with unparalleled fidelity and immersion that combines the best of the space simulation, MMO and FPS genres under the creative vision of the acclaimed Wing Commander and Freelancer creator, Chris Roberts.

And if that wasn’t enough, we’re also creating Squadron 42, a cinematic single-player campaign game that has a rich story narrative and intense military action.

How many staff are you looking to take on? 

The numbers will increase with the demands of the project, but currently we’re looking to hire upwards of 60 staff across multiple departments in our four international studios of Los Angeles (USA), Austin (USA), Manchester (UK) and Frankfurt (Germany). Some positions are not studio specific although others are; so if anyone is interested they should check out our website for further details.

What perks are available to working at your studio? 

The main perk of working at Cloud Imperium Games is the thrill of working on the project itself. We’re doing something that has never been done before, so naturally it’s an exciting game to develop. The scope and fidelity of the game gives our incredibly talented team the opportunity to really excel themselves and use their skills to create world-class content with cutting edge technology.

What should aspiring devs do with their CV to get an interview?

It depends on the hiring manager for that department, but candidates should certainly try to make themselves stand out wherever possible with a well-presented CV that shows relevant and succinct content. Also, examples of work is very important, especially for art, so make sure to spend time on making your showreel really shine. 

Who is the best interviewee you have ever had and how did they impress you? 

Thanks to the attraction of the project we’re working on, we’ve been fortunate to have some really great interviewees which makes it difficult to pick. The most memorable ones are when the candidate is able to talk at length and depth about their field, expressing intimate knowledge and passion, and what they can bring to the team.

And who was the worst? 

If anyone who hasn’t done any research on the project then this always comes across the worst. Especially when we are so transparent in our development and have so much information readily available online. After those, people usually fall down due to poor punctuality, bad communication skills or a lack of confidence.

What advice would you give for a successful interview at your studio? 

Make sure you do your research, turn up on time and then just be yourself.If you have what it takes, make sure you sell yourself and tell us what you can bring to the team and then things will either work out or they won’t. Giving it your best shot is all you can really do. 

If you have recruited internationally, what is the process like? 

We use video calls on a daily basis for cross-studio meetings so naturally we take interviews in that way too. There may also be some more communication done via email and ideally we would set up a face-to-face meeting if that was possible; but we have hired with just using video calls in the past.

How have your recruitment needs changed at your studio?

A project is always dealing with change to a degree so the hiring plan behind it needs to be updated regularly to adapt to that change.

Why should developers join you when indie and self-publishing have become so much more accessible? 

We’re still technically an indie company, just with a triple-A budget, so we have been able to maintain our core values of developing the game to the highest standard possible and the way that we want to. We’re also a global company that is very flexible and mobile in our working methods, so if Cloud Imperium Games appeals to you then it’s definitely worth applying to find out more.

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